
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Maths Portfolio 2

I am learning to solve Rate and Ratio using level 4 stragies
This resource is about showing how to solve problems involving rates and ratios
Show how you work these problem out.

1.  Mara has 4 books for every 3 books Chloe has.

Chloe has 12 books.

Mara has 16 books
12 divided by 3 = 4
16 divided by 4 = 4
What is the ratio?  Explain using the ratio
12 : 16

2.  Sam gets $15 every 5 weeks for doing work around the house.
Show how to work out how many weeks it will take Sam to save $60
20 weeks = $60
10 weeks = $30. because double of 15 is 30 and double of 5 is 10.
What is the ratio?  Explain using the ratio.

3.  There are 6 boys for every 4 girls in a hockey team.
There are 10 girls in the team
Show how to work out how many boys are in the team.
its 4:6 but I make it 2:3
2 x 5 = 10
3 x 5 = 15
Answer 10 : 15

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